Since I had such a hard time with my sister and best friend, Kendall, leaving, I thought about things I could do for when she comes home. Maybe posting sticky notes all over her room, but when guests sleep there that might be a little weird... So, I decided to blog about it. I'm not much of a blogger, and have never blogged before, but I'm going to do it anyways. So, here it is. Every day (hopefully anyways, I'll try my hardest!) I'll write a memory, or maybe just a picture, of Kendall and/or I. I love my sister, and am so happy for her. She is such a great example to me, and I can't wait until she gets home!

Monday, March 19, 2012

#10- Snuggie Texts

So to start off... Kendall has almost been gone for 3 weeks... THREE WEEKS! Amy, you were right... time flies! Hopefully it will continue doing this, so 18 months will be over in no time :)
Okay, now for the snuggie texts. So, one day, Kendall texted me during school saying how she couldn't stop laughing, and she was home alone. All day I wondered what she couldn't stop laughing about! When I got home, she showed me the snuggie texts.. The first time I read it, I kinda thought it was dumb, like I didn't laugh at all. Then, I read it with Sarah Maggard, and oh man she laughed so hard.. and for those of you who don't know her, her laugh is VERY contagious. So, then I kinda laughed. THEN, I read it at school, with one of my teachers... My teacher was laughing so hard, and I thought I was going to die! Ever since then, I can't handle myself when I read it. I laugh sooo hard, and sit there crying because it's just too funny. If you want to read it, go here:
or if that doesn't work, go to google, type in "it just gets stranger snuggie texts" and it will be the first link on the search page.

So, while Kendall is gone, I decided I'm going to send her a snuggie, that says "1+1=furrrrrever." Once you read the texts, you'll understand. I'm sure it'll give her a good laugh, so I'm way excited!

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