Since I had such a hard time with my sister and best friend, Kendall, leaving, I thought about things I could do for when she comes home. Maybe posting sticky notes all over her room, but when guests sleep there that might be a little weird... So, I decided to blog about it. I'm not much of a blogger, and have never blogged before, but I'm going to do it anyways. So, here it is. Every day (hopefully anyways, I'll try my hardest!) I'll write a memory, or maybe just a picture, of Kendall and/or I. I love my sister, and am so happy for her. She is such a great example to me, and I can't wait until she gets home!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

#6- Persuasive Speech

So, about a year ago, Kendall gave a no texting while driving speech in her college speech class. Her teacher told her she did really well, and she got 100% for it! Since I knew that I was going to have to be giving a persuasive speech in my speech class, I asked her if I could use it. Today, we got assigned to do our persuasive speech. I'm so excited to give my speech... I didn't do any work, and hopefully it turns out as good as her teacher said it was!!

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