Since I had such a hard time with my sister and best friend, Kendall, leaving, I thought about things I could do for when she comes home. Maybe posting sticky notes all over her room, but when guests sleep there that might be a little weird... So, I decided to blog about it. I'm not much of a blogger, and have never blogged before, but I'm going to do it anyways. So, here it is. Every day (hopefully anyways, I'll try my hardest!) I'll write a memory, or maybe just a picture, of Kendall and/or I. I love my sister, and am so happy for her. She is such a great example to me, and I can't wait until she gets home!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

#7- Fighting!

So, Kendall and I rarely have fights... I can think of two serious fights (which get dangerous, punching each other and throwing each other on the ground...). But we mess around and "play fight" quite often. Every day, I'd say! Since day one. Here's some proof :)

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